Tips for Keeping Your Family Healthy During the Holidays

Tips for Keeping Your Family Healthy During the Holidays

As we enter the merry season of holiday parties and festivities, gathering inside with friends, family, and loved ones becomes the norm. With an immune system working overtime to keep you healthy, here are some tips from the Beacon team on how to keep your family healthy, while you gather inside to spend quality time together.

Get that air flowing
There’s nothing better than turning on the stoves and ovens to cook up turkeys, pies, and all the good smelling things. But did you know indoor air quality is worsened every time we do this? Especially when gas ranges are being used. Keep your home’s air quality healthy with a few options from the California Air Resources Board:

  • Make sure your stove hood vents to the outdoors and always keep it on while cooking.
  • Cook on the back burner when possible– the stove hood exhausts this area more.
  • Use a wall or ceiling exhaust fan while cooking.
  • Open a window or door to improve air flow through the kitchen.

Wash those hands again and again (and again!)
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times. Washing your hands frequently and thoroughly is one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of germs that you touch.

Break out your silliest socks
It is customary in many households to take off your shoes at the entrance…and for good reason! According to the experts, about one-third of the dirt building up inside your home comes from outside, much of it being tracked in on the soles of our shoes. Create a space in your home’s entryway to remove and place shoes.

Make cleaning enjoyable
Let’s face it: We’re all busy, and much of the time, cleaning is just another task on our ever-growing to-do list that gets pushed down to the bottom. If there are ways to make your cleaning routine easier, more habitual, and more enjoyable, it is well worth it. Hiring a cleaning service to clean once a month, or installing an indoor-safe disinfecting product like Beacon in your home, can cut down on your time and effort and help keep you and your family healthy!